30 Weeks

Some days I feel like I’m going to be pregnant forever and it will never end, and then I realize how little time there is left and I start to get sad. This is it. This is the last time I’ll feel a baby move inside of me, the last time I’ll have a newborn, the last so many things!! Apparently I’m feeling sappy today. 

Your baby’s the size of a cucumber!
Your 15.2- to 16.7-inch, 2.5- to 3.8-pound baby continues to grow.
I had an appointment with my OB this morning and if I wasn’t having all of these blood sugar issues, it would be my best and easiest pregnancy of them all. My blood pressure is great, no swelling, growing right on track, strong heartbeat, etc. But then he looked at my blood sugars and said “it’s a good thing this is your last one, another baby might kill you.” I am to continue twice a week non stress tests at the hospital and to see my Endocrinologist as needed, but since baby girl is doing so well, I don’t need another OB appointment for 3 weeks. 
I talked with my Endocrinologist on the phone this afternoon and we are trying something new with my night time dose of insulin. Currently, I take 100 units right before bed, but I’m still waking up with blood sugar readings near 200 – they should be under 90. And then my body is trying to catch up all day and I’m injecting a LOT of insulin all day long, only to start the cycle again the next morning. Starting tonight, I’ll take 60 units right before bed and another 60 first thing in the morning. Fingers crossed. 
That’s all for now. Here’s a fun bump comparison, 20 weeks to 30 weeks. Pretty big difference, no wonder I can’t find shirts that fit!!!

29 Weeks

Your baby’s the size of an acorn squash!
Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, we weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but he’s still got a ways to go — can you believe he’ll triple in weight before birth?
your baby at 29 weeks
  • He’s getting a little cramped in there, since he’s growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you’re getting all those jabs and kicks.
  • He’s growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.
  • Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping.

Life has been somewhat of a roller coaster the last few days. My blood sugars have been all over the place and becoming harder and harder to control. As many times as Dr’s have told me this could happen, now that it IS happening, I don’t like it.

I had an OB appointment yesterday – and an ultrasound-. Good news is that baby girl continues to thrive and is doing great! She is growing right on track and even though my body is going nuts with all of this blood sugar nonsense, she continues to be unaffected. But, because my numbers have been so high, and when that happens, I note decreased fetal movements, it’s time to watch things a little closer.

Starting this morning, I will be at the hospital having Non-Stress Tests done twice a week and I’m also seeing my OB weekly now until delivery.

The first test was done this morning and we passed with flying colors. While it was a little boring sitting there clicking each time she moved, I loved being able to just sit back, listening to the heartbeat and moving around and I did a little reading as well. Next test is Saturday morning.

And that’s that! I’m trying to stay positive and just focus on one day at a time right now. It’s really all I can do!

28 Weeks

Third Trimester! 

Putting on layers of fat, your baby now weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and measures about 13.6 to 14.8 inches.

  • She’s starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
  • Her lungs are mature enough that she’d probably survive if she was born now. Wow!

Common Symptoms: Yes…to all.

  • Trouble sleeping. As you get closer to your due date, you’ll likely have more and more trouble with this. It could be hormones or nerves — or both!
  • Shortness of breath, as baby continues to crowd your lungs.
  • Aches and pains — the third trimester can be really uncomfortable due to hormone fluctuations and the toll on your body.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions — these might be getting stronger or more frequent as your bod gets ready for labor.
  • Leaky boobs. Your breasts may already be producing baby’s first food, a yellowish substance called colostrum.

We started working on the room renovations that need to happen before baby girl arrives. Last Saturday the husband put up the door to our new room and once we get that room cleaned out (it’s the current toy room), it will be our new master bedroom. My nesting instincts are out.of.control. and I just want everything done now!

Aside from that, feeling the above symptoms, things are going relatively well. It was a sad day yesterday when I had to really work hard to get my wedding rings off, this is the longest into a pregnancy that I’ve been able to wear them, so I’m happy in that respect.

On the Diabetes front, things are still going well. Starting to notice I don’t need as much insulin at meal times, taking too much results in after meal blood sugar readings of 45-50. Not fun!!!

I can’t think of anything else to add, other than I’m really missing kicking my butt in and out of the gym and sweating hard core. I have been devising work out plans for after this little one is born and I can’t wait to get started!!

I’m sort of happy I have been taking weekly bump shots this time around, it’s fun to look back and see how things have grown. Here’s a collage from the start of each trimester (at 5 weeks, 14 weeks and 28 weeks)

26 Weeks

Almost 90 days- HOLY CRAP!!! Sorry, momentary freak out. I’m done now 😉

Baby is the size of…Lettuce.

Let’s see, how are things going? In a word. Interesting. My life would be so much easier if this stupid insomnia would just go away. I know that once the baby gets here, sleep will be non-existent, so dang it, I want to sleep now! Almost every night I fall asleep fine and think, this is it, the night I sleep all night…and then around 1 or 2 I wake up and just lay there and lay there. That alarm going off at 6 comes way too soon when you’re up for a few hours in the middle of the night. #firstworldproblem- I can’t lay down during the day and take a nap because then it’s even harder to fall asleep and I toss and turn even more. Good thing I have a full DVR, I’m ready to move out to the couch instead of just laying there staring at the walls.

Other than that, just normal pregnancy stuff. It’s definitely getting harder to do simple things, but I absolutely LOVE watching the bump go crazy with movements so I guess it’s a fair trade off 😉

I did get some excellent news today. Back in October when I first got my Diabetes diagnosis, my A1C level was around 13.2. In December it was down to 7.3 and as of the bloodwork I had done yesterday, it’s at 5.8. This is awesome. No one can say what will happen after delivery, but the doctors are hopeful that I either won’t need insulin at all or I could go straight to oral medications or the best possible outcome being I won’t need anything at all and I can control it with diet and exercise. Only time will tell.

From 6 weeks to 26 weeks. I’m sort of bummed I don’t have any pictures for weeks 7,8,9,10, 11 or 12 because those were the weeks I wasn’t believed to be pregnant anymore. Looking back, I am still in disbelief that everything happened like it did. While I may have “missed” most of the first trimester thinking I had miscarried, I’m so very thankful this little miracle of mine continues to fight hard and prove everyone wrong. She is a champion and I can’t wait to meet her.

What I Ate Wednesday {7}

Hello, Hello! Just when I thought food aversions and other yuckiness associated with pregnancy was gone…it’s back with a vengeance. I have had a craving for baked potatoes and chicken for a few days and was so excited to cook that tonight, as you’ll see, that didn’t happen. My stomach has felt “off” all day long today. It’s only 7:15pm, but I’m ready to put the kids and myself to bed. Before that happens, let’s get to the WIAW party!


This meal has been on repeat for about a week, it’s so filling and so delicious, I can’t help but eat it every morning.

Carbmaster yogurt with Fiber One Cranberry Almond granola and a sliced banana. Perfection.


I had an Endocrinology appointment this morning and on the way home I decided to treat myself to a lunch out. Thank you, Jimmy John’s.

This sandwich was SO good, I think it’s going to be dangerous for the rest of the pregnancy that Jimmy Johns is so dang close to us.


No chicken. Instead I toasted two waffles, slapped some crunchy nut butter and a sliced banana on top and called it a meal. I needed a little something extra, so I had another yogurt.

And because I have yet to finish and publish my 26 week bump-date, here is a picture for hump day, bump day (26 weeks, 4 days).

22 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Papaya

This is two weeks in a row he has decided that he needs to be in the picture with me. I’m also in denial that my current “baby” will be 6 in February. Seems like I was just pregnant with him!

Symptoms: Getting harder to find a comfortable sleeping position. I’ll wake up and my hips will be on fire and then I’ll switch to the other side to wake up a few hours later with that side hurting. It’s a vicious cycle. Definitely feeling more and more movements, the strongest are at night when I’m trying to fall asleep or anytime my blood sugar is low, she beats on me like a little drum to get my attention.

Food Cravings & Aversions: Steak. I want steak and lots of it.

Upcoming Appointments: I have an appointment on Tuesday with a new eye Dr. to make sure I don’t have Diabetic Retinopathy. Don’t ask me what it means, because I really have no idea. I just know my endocrinologist told me I need to be screened for it and then once a month until I deliver.

That’s all I have for tonight. I can’t believe we are already halfway through this, April may seem far away, but it’s really not. She’ll be here before I know it!

21 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Pomegranate


Just my ever expanding uterus. Still feeling pretty good, it’s just all fun and games until it’s time to put on socks or shoes, then I realize I have a medicine ball attached to me. Getting harder to sleep at night, but having strategically placed pillows is making things easier and I’m finally sleeping all night again, so I’m happy.

Food Cravings & Aversions: 

Can’t really think of anything that I HAVE to have right now, but the aversion to chicken is back in full force.

Appointment Updates: 

Endocrinology: My insulin needs are on the rise again and probably will continue to do until I deliver, but he’s pretty confident that I could leave the hospital on oral medication or on nothing at all.

OB: Had to go in for a test that should be done yearly, but I haven’t had done since April 2012, let me tell you how pleasant that test is when you are getting kicked in the bladder at the same time by a tiny little ninja. Other than that, baby girl is doing great, measuring a little big, but nothing to be concerned about at this time and my blood pressure is still normal, so yay!

Upcoming Appointments: Nothing until January!

In other news, I found the charger for my good camera, so bye bye iPhone pictures! I’m so excited!!!

18 Weeks


your baby at 18 weeks
  • Can you believe she’s yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing?
  • And she’s twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too — and she’s big enough that you might be able to feel her doing it!

Symptoms: Feeling more and more movement…and they are getting stronger. It’s still not consistent or every day, but that’s to be expected and totally normal at this point. As for as the Diabetes, blah. I had to email my Endocrinologist this morning because my after meal blood sugars should be 60-120 and the last few days, they have been 150-170…not good. He assured me that it’s normal and my insulin needs are going to change a lot over the next few months and we’ll work through it.

Food Cravings: Crunchy peanut butter, I want it on everything. I had some really strong cravings for lasagna and pizza over the weekend, they were both delicious, but I can live without both meals for awhile.

Food Aversions: None.

Upcoming Appointments: Endocrinologist on Wednesday.

That’s all I’ve got for tonight, just a routine, boring weekly update…my favorite kind!