What I Ate Wednesday {8}

It’s that time of the week again! Time to link up and share food for WIAW. I love reading blogs on Wednesdays, so many new recipes and meal ideas, and today has been no exception.

Let’s get right to it!


When I find something that tastes delicious and doesn’t make my blood sugars soar, I tend to stick with it until I get sick of it. Lately it has been cinnamon raisin english muffins, topped with crunchy nut butter and then an orange on the side.


Pretty sad that I couldn’t remember what I had for lunch until I went back and looked at the pictures from today. #pregnancyproblems. Pregnancy brain is for real. I had an egg sandwich and a cup of grapes.


I’m happy to say that my aversion to vegetables is fading and I actually had a craving for roasted broccoli all afternoon, I couldn’t wait to eat it for dinner tonight! We had spaghetti and then I roasted broccoli in some coconut oil, sea salt and pepper.

Don’t mind the bump that got in the way of the pictures, that seems to be happening a lot lately.

Speaking of the bump, today is hump day, bump day! 28 weeks, 4 days.

And that wraps up my day! I’ll be finishing off the day with my current bedtime snack of a sliced apple and peanut butter. Exciting.

365 Days of Happy

Yesterday I posted some goals I had for myself in 2014 and was pretty satisfied with those. Then, I started catching up on blogs and read this post on Running with Spoons…I was instantly intrigued. I told my Husband about it and he immediately thought it was a good idea. I’m the person who can always point out the negative first instead of finding the good in a situation. It’s something I really need to work on. So, I’m adding one more goal to my list for 2014: Finding the happy in every day.

Every day I will make a note of something, anything happy or good that happened that day, no matter how big or small. I’m sure some days will be harder than others (especially for me), but I’m determined to do this!

Let’s get on to today’s meals. I woke up this morning with a fasting blood sugar of 84, I was pretty excited, given the past few days indulgences.


Egg sandwich

And my current obsession, grapefruits. Thankfully these are on sale, because I can’t get enough of their tangy deliciousness.

Lunch: The most random/yet delicious combo of foods of all time. A brown rice wrap with roasted garlic hummus and sharp cheddar cheese and a chicken egg roll I found in the freezer.

Dinner: We are pretty much snowed in today. It started snowing last night and hasn’t stopped. The roads are craptastic, and while I would have loved to have dinner with my mom, sister and niece tonight, I didn’t feel like driving…so we all found something to eat. I chose oatmeal topped with crunchy peanut butter

And the other half of my grapefruit.

Are you a glass half full or half empty person? Want to join in on the 365 days of happy, join in!

18 Weeks


your baby at 18 weeks
  • Can you believe she’s yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing?
  • And she’s twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too — and she’s big enough that you might be able to feel her doing it!

Symptoms: Feeling more and more movement…and they are getting stronger. It’s still not consistent or every day, but that’s to be expected and totally normal at this point. As for as the Diabetes, blah. I had to email my Endocrinologist this morning because my after meal blood sugars should be 60-120 and the last few days, they have been 150-170…not good. He assured me that it’s normal and my insulin needs are going to change a lot over the next few months and we’ll work through it.

Food Cravings: Crunchy peanut butter, I want it on everything. I had some really strong cravings for lasagna and pizza over the weekend, they were both delicious, but I can live without both meals for awhile.

Food Aversions: None.

Upcoming Appointments: Endocrinologist on Wednesday.

That’s all I’ve got for tonight, just a routine, boring weekly update…my favorite kind!

Peanut Butter Banana French Toast


If there’s one thing my family requests a lot, it’s french toast. They are purists, and don’t like anything but syrup and a side of bacon, but mama is a bit more adventurous when it comes to toppings.


P.S. Don’t tell my husband or kids, but tonight I used egg whites instead of eggs, they didn’t notice a difference, but if they would have known, I’m sure my husband would have thrown a fit for making it “too healthy.” I had two slices, with a smear of peanut butter, grilled banana on top and a bit of sugar free syrup…and of course, turkey bacon on the side.


I dare you to try this and not like it. Better yet, I just dare you to make this and then we’ll be best friends. Deal? Deal. And, you’re welcome. It’s like a river of melty peanut butter. Swoon.


Selzer water with a splash of cranberry juice completed the meal perfectly.