26 Weeks

Almost 90 days- HOLY CRAP!!! Sorry, momentary freak out. I’m done now 😉

Baby is the size of…Lettuce.

Let’s see, how are things going? In a word. Interesting. My life would be so much easier if this stupid insomnia would just go away. I know that once the baby gets here, sleep will be non-existent, so dang it, I want to sleep now! Almost every night I fall asleep fine and think, this is it, the night I sleep all night…and then around 1 or 2 I wake up and just lay there and lay there. That alarm going off at 6 comes way too soon when you’re up for a few hours in the middle of the night. #firstworldproblem- I can’t lay down during the day and take a nap because then it’s even harder to fall asleep and I toss and turn even more. Good thing I have a full DVR, I’m ready to move out to the couch instead of just laying there staring at the walls.

Other than that, just normal pregnancy stuff. It’s definitely getting harder to do simple things, but I absolutely LOVE watching the bump go crazy with movements so I guess it’s a fair trade off 😉

I did get some excellent news today. Back in October when I first got my Diabetes diagnosis, my A1C level was around 13.2. In December it was down to 7.3 and as of the bloodwork I had done yesterday, it’s at 5.8. This is awesome. No one can say what will happen after delivery, but the doctors are hopeful that I either won’t need insulin at all or I could go straight to oral medications or the best possible outcome being I won’t need anything at all and I can control it with diet and exercise. Only time will tell.

From 6 weeks to 26 weeks. I’m sort of bummed I don’t have any pictures for weeks 7,8,9,10, 11 or 12 because those were the weeks I wasn’t believed to be pregnant anymore. Looking back, I am still in disbelief that everything happened like it did. While I may have “missed” most of the first trimester thinking I had miscarried, I’m so very thankful this little miracle of mine continues to fight hard and prove everyone wrong. She is a champion and I can’t wait to meet her.

What I Ate Wednesday {7}

Hello, Hello! Just when I thought food aversions and other yuckiness associated with pregnancy was gone…it’s back with a vengeance. I have had a craving for baked potatoes and chicken for a few days and was so excited to cook that tonight, as you’ll see, that didn’t happen. My stomach has felt “off” all day long today. It’s only 7:15pm, but I’m ready to put the kids and myself to bed. Before that happens, let’s get to the WIAW party!


This meal has been on repeat for about a week, it’s so filling and so delicious, I can’t help but eat it every morning.

Carbmaster yogurt with Fiber One Cranberry Almond granola and a sliced banana. Perfection.


I had an Endocrinology appointment this morning and on the way home I decided to treat myself to a lunch out. Thank you, Jimmy John’s.

This sandwich was SO good, I think it’s going to be dangerous for the rest of the pregnancy that Jimmy Johns is so dang close to us.


No chicken. Instead I toasted two waffles, slapped some crunchy nut butter and a sliced banana on top and called it a meal. I needed a little something extra, so I had another yogurt.

And because I have yet to finish and publish my 26 week bump-date, here is a picture for hump day, bump day (26 weeks, 4 days).

What I Ate Wednesday {6}

Like almost every other WIAW post I have read today, this is my first one in a couple of weeks, thanks to Christmas Day and New Year’s Day falling on Wednesdays. Glad to be back in the game!

Today was snow day #3. Heaven help us all if school is cancelled again tomorrow.

We kept it low key today and didn’t go anywhere. It was a little warmer than it has been (I think it got up to 14 today which was a heat wave compared to the -40 two days ago) so they were in and out of the house making igloos and snow forts all through the yard. Thank goodness for small favors.


Looking at this picture makes me sad I emptied the box this morning. I have a mad craving for Frosted Mini Wheats lately, can’t get enough of that goodness! The sliced banana on top makes it even better.


The usual. I’m trying to keep my carb levels to a minimum at least one meal during the day so I don’t have to inject as much insulin. It seems to be helping, my levels have been nothing short of amazing lately. I’m pretty proud of myself :).

Since I was pretty hungry, I also had a makeshift grilled cheese: whole wheat english muffin with sharp cheddar cheese- under the broiler for about 3 minutes.

I had a couple of squares of this little goody this afternoon.


The rest of the family had pancakes, but pancakes make my blood sugar spike to over 200, and I don’t even have syrup with them. Instead, I had an egg sandwich with turkey bacon on the side and a mighty delicious and extra juicy orange.

Can’t forget about hump day, bump day: 25 weeks, 4 days.

I had a bad case of insomnia last night and then the kids were up early this morning, which means I’m ready for bed. Like now. I’m going to go crochet for a little bit and then call it a night when I put the troops to bed.

Don’t forget to head over to Peas and Crayons for more WIAW fun!


25 Week Appointment

I typically post about my appointments in the weekly updates (if I have one that week), but changing things up and sharing my appointment in it’s very own post. Why not, right?

Everything is going great! I am averaging about a 1lb gain a week, I have no idea how much I have gained, I don’t look at the scale, the Dr. didn’t mention a number, just said I’m doing great. I worked SO hard getting a crap ton of weight off last year, I don’t even want to think about what the scale says at this point. I’ll worry about that AFTER she is born.

My blood pressure was normal and the uterus is measuring about 2 weeks ahead. Next appointment is in 4 weeks and I’ll have an ultrasound to check on growth. One of the biggest risks of being Diabetic is baby getting too big which can result in stillbirth, so I’ll be having ultrasounds every two weeks after that as well as non stress tests done in the hospital. Told me to still plan on an April 10th c-section date unless her health or mine is at risk.

It’s getting real. April 10th is not that far away. Guess I better finish this blanket…

I’m off to do some anti-snow day rituals now. I love my kids, but my gosh if school is cancelled again tomorrow, I may lose my ever loving mind.

25 Weeks

That baby in the ticker is getting mighty close to the end…it’s starting to get real that in the very near future, baby #4 is going to be arriving.

Baby is the size of…Cauliflower. What? I really have no idea what this app is talking about, but it’s fun 😉 Apparently she is around 2-2.5lbs, THAT I believe. The uncomfortable part of pregnancy is here. Definitely feeling the extra weight and pressure of her moving and growing in there.

She is moving ALL.THE.TIME now. It’s pretty constant, and I feel at least a couple of movements every hour, the strongest, craziest moves occur just as I’m going to bed and it’s fun to poke the bump and have her kick back. Still won’t perform for others, the moment anyone else lays a hand on the bump, all movement will stop until the hands are gone.

I have an OB appointment on Tuesday morning (unless we are still snowed in…) and we’ll see how big her (and I) have grown over the past month.

That’s all I have for today, thankfully things are going well now and it’s just us both growing steadily every week.

24 Weeks

Baby is the size of…Cantaloupe (this doesn’t seem like it’s spelled right, it looks like the weirdest word typed out.)

Movement: TONS. Thankfully, the most movement occurs during the day and right as I’m laying down to go to bed, but at least I’m able to sleep all night.

I am in denial as well as shock and awe that I’m already 24 weeks. I know some are anxious for April to arrive and their babies to get here, but I’m not. I’m not ready for this to be over yet. Some days are hard, but knowing this is the last one, I don’t want to rush it. I know how fast the years fly by after they are here and I’m just not ready for it yet!

Now that Christmas is over, we are switching to operation baby mode. We are going to be moving some bedrooms around and getting rid of a LOT of stuff to make room for this little one. My nesting instincts are kicking in hardcore lately and I’m itching to get started!

23 Weeks

Another week bites the dust! We are under 150 days until due day, CRAZY.

Baby is the size of…Grapefruit. That must be one HECK of a massive grapefruit!!!

How I’m Feeling: Pretty dang good. I managed to shop till I nearly dropped this morning, and aside from a little bit of a backache, I managed to get everyone crossed off the shopping list and finally feel ready for Christmas. My blood sugars are also behaving themselves, I have been having fasting numbers between 80-90 every day and my after meal numbers are between 60-90. Let’s hope this trend continues!

Food Cravings & Aversions: All I want is Mexican food and/or steak. If I can have spicy steak at every meal, done. Tell where to be and when.

Appointments: I met with my eye doctor on Tuesday and everything looks fabulous. There is no sign of Diabetes in my eyes and no sign of Diabetic Retinopathy either. Thank goodness!!!

Upcoming Appointments: Nothing until January

Just for fun, here is the bump at 13 weeks and today at 23 weeks.


What I Ate Wednesday {5}

5 in a row, it’s a Christmas miracle! Once again, another WIAW is upon us. I typically post at night, but once I pick up everyone from school, we are headed to my mom’s house for dinner. I’m not sure when we’ll be home, so I’m putting the post up a little bit early today.


Simple, but delicious. Oatmeal topped with vanilla stevia and crunchy nut butter.

Yogurt on the side.


Pineapple (SO juicy and flavorful!!!) and some sharp cheddar cheese.


My BIL smoked a turkey for us the other night, so I have been feasting on the leftover turkey meat the last couple of days, today I wanted something different. I turned it into one epic grilled cheese/turkey sandwich.

More pineapple on the side…

Don’t forget to head over to Peas and Crayons for more WIAW entries!!

Hump Day, Bump Day!

22 weeks and 4 days. My 11 year old wanted to take the pictures this morning. Baby girl is running out of “up room,” pretty soon she’ll just be growing out.


22 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Papaya

This is two weeks in a row he has decided that he needs to be in the picture with me. I’m also in denial that my current “baby” will be 6 in February. Seems like I was just pregnant with him!

Symptoms: Getting harder to find a comfortable sleeping position. I’ll wake up and my hips will be on fire and then I’ll switch to the other side to wake up a few hours later with that side hurting. It’s a vicious cycle. Definitely feeling more and more movements, the strongest are at night when I’m trying to fall asleep or anytime my blood sugar is low, she beats on me like a little drum to get my attention.

Food Cravings & Aversions: Steak. I want steak and lots of it.

Upcoming Appointments: I have an appointment on Tuesday with a new eye Dr. to make sure I don’t have Diabetic Retinopathy. Don’t ask me what it means, because I really have no idea. I just know my endocrinologist told me I need to be screened for it and then once a month until I deliver.

That’s all I have for tonight. I can’t believe we are already halfway through this, April may seem far away, but it’s really not. She’ll be here before I know it!

What I Ate Wednesday {4}

It’s that time of the week again! I love this day on my favorite blogs, so many new ideas to add to our menus! Let’s get right to it.

Breakfast: It has been COLD here the last few days. I would much rather have this though, then sweating in 100 degree weather. It’s always easier to add more layers, but there’s only so much you can take off. This morning I had oats with crunchy nut butter and then a yogurt.

Lunch: I went to a friend’s house for a brunch which turned into my lunch, my contribution was this yummy egg and canadian baked dish and hash browns. We also had some blueberry muffins that were incredible. It just a laid back morning and we sat around and talked while their kids played and I snuggled with the sweet little 6 month old that was there. I can’t believe I’m going to have a little baby again…and soon!

Snack: My favorite; the mug cake. I have mentioned this so many times over the last week, but I’m not kidding, I ate least have this every other afternoon.

Dinner: Spaghetti! I  needed some vegetables in me (and baby girl) tonight, so I added a cup of steamed broccoli.

Ending with the hump day bump day picture, here we are at 21 weeks and 4 days.

Don’t forgot to check out everyone else at Peas and Crayons for more WIAW posts!