I know some people want to wait until January 1st before starting over with weight loss goals, exercise plans, etc., but for me, I can’t wait. I know that if I say I’ll start Monday, Monday will never happen. Last year was nothing but “mondays” for me, and I won’t have that again this year. I was going to start with some other exercise DVD’s, but after a few days I realized they weren’t for me. I contacted my old Coach through Beachbody yesterday and she got me started on a plan that will take me through the next 20 weeks.


I’ll be doing a Turbo Fire / ChaLEAN Extreme Hybrid. I looked through the schedule last night and I’m pretty excited about it! Everything is layed out for me, I just have to push play and stick to it!


Like I mentioned, this hybrid schedule is 20 weeks long, which will take me approximately through Memorial Day.


First things first, I had the husband take “before” pictures last night. No body snarking…

but let’s just say I have some things to work on.



And now I realize why my back hurts ALL the time, I look pregnant!!! Craziness. Full disclosure: I weigh more right this second than I did when any of my 3 children were born. That’s just unacceptable.

And then this morning, I took the obligatory measurements.


  • Chest: 44”
  • R Arm: 13.5”
  • L Arm: 13.5”
  • Waist: 41”
  • Hips: 46.5”
  • R Thigh: 24”
  • L Thigh: 24”

On the plan for today was Stretch 40


I thought 40 minutes of stretching? Piece of cake. I was so wrong. So very wrong. It was 40 minutes of modified yoga that kicked my beyond out of shape booty and had me wishing I was not so out of shape!!!

After a shower and some much needed lemon water, I had eggs, toast and a tangerine.


Perfect start to my day! I won’t be making resolutions for 2012, but I will be making goals for myself. Because, really, who doesn’t like a fresh start?

I haven’t been to a Weight Watchers meeting since December 10th and I’m terrified about going tomorrow morning. According to my scale, I packed on about 6lbs. But, I don’t have any regrets. I refused to worry about food or anything else this Christmas season. I concentrated on my family, friends, having fun and making memories…because as anyone can tell you, life is way too freaking short to not have fun with your family and indulge every once in awhile!!!

LHS 1998 Cheer Team Reunion

Once upon a time, I was a cheerleader (freshman-senior in high school). My senior year we had the best coach ever and even though she scared the living shizz out of us, we worked hard, worked as a team and had the best year of our lives.

Just in case you’re wondering, I’m in the back row 4th from the right. Those were the days!


Last night a group of us met up for dinner and it was the reunion of all reunions. We laughed and talked like we had just seen each other last week instead of 13 years ago.

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When we first arrived, we were told it would be a 3 hour wait (it was actually 2.5 hours), we found two tables by the bar and stood, sat, took pictures and talked until our table was ready.

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Our whole team couldn’t be there, but there was 7 of us and our coach who attended.

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To be honest, up until it was time to go, I was trying to think of an excuse to not go. I was so self-conscious and was embarassed over how much my body had changed in 13 years.

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But for the first time in a long time, my weight wasn’t an issue. These girls were just as amazing as the last time I saw them and all of my insecurities were wiped away. It was so weird to talk about our lives, our careers, our relationships and then laugh hysterically over things that we did while in high school.

After we finally got a table, we were looking at a photo album from our senior year and holy cow, it doesn’t seem like it was that long ago, but we looked like babies!!! And then we started talking about our old cheers and two remembered them and even remembered the motions that went with the words, it was awesome.

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Even though some have moved away and live out of state, and some of us live closer than we realized, it was a perfect night. I’m so glad that we have re-connected and that even though we don’t see each other all the time, our friendships have remained just as strong as they were 13 years ago.

Christmas 2011 {Part 1}

I didn’t realize how many pictures I had, and if I try and do one post, it’s going to take 2 hours to write. I’ll try and get it all posted in different parts so I don’t bore everyone to tears. We woke up on Christmas Eve pretty excited because it snowed! It wasn’t much and was gone by that afternoon, but it did snow a little bit.


My awesome Christmas pj’s…and the 3 year old who ran outside to see the snow


We met at my mom’s house mid-morning to start the fun filled Christmas weekend. My Grandma, uncles, aunt, and cousins all came over for a day of relaxing, lots of food and a gift exchange later in the day.


For appetizers, we had chips and salsa, cheese and salami, cheese dips and crackers, my mom’s famous chip beef dip and 5 million cookies. You can tell where my priorities are, because I didn’t get one picture of the actual Christmas Eve dinner which was ham, ranch “crack” potatoes, spicy corn casserole and a vegetable tray. DSC_0338

And then for dessert I made the ultimate in Christmas desserts, a white chocolate peppermint cheesecake. The recipe originally called for peppermint extract, but I decided to get creative and crushed a box of candy canes instead. Perfection. This was my first cheesecake I’ve ever made, and I have to say it was delightful!


My soon to be sister in law showing off her sparkle from her engagement ring.


Since dinner was taking a little longer than expected, we decided to exchange gifts so the little kids would have some new toys to keep them entertained and so we wouldn’t have to hear “Is Santa on his way?” One more time!!



My gifts: a lazy susan vegetable tray (that I’ll be putting to use for my new year’s eve party), a cookbook (that I want to try every recipe!) and two candles.


And the party animal, who along with his 2 week old brother kept their poor parents up all night long…


After my Grandma and uncles and cousins left, it was my family, my mom and brothers and two little babies for the night. We put the kids to bed and then set up Santa gifts, stockings and finished wrapping some gifts.


And that ends part 1…I’ll do another portion later!!!


Yesterday I posted about not waiting and I had every intention of exercising after my kids went to bed last night…and that’s when I realized as much as I try and fight it, I’m not a night time exerciser. I put some clothes out, filled my water bottle and set my alarm for 5am.

I was tempted to hit snooze and go back to bed, but instead I got my butt handed to me on a platter by Jillian and the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout. Every muscle was begging me for mercy, but I really loved every minute. It was 5 different circuits alternating cardio and strength training. I’m following the 6 week program which is 35 minutes 6 days a week. Today was the whole body and tomorrow is upper body and lower body…I’m scared.

I looked on my Polar to see when my last workout was before this morning…

That would be the 5K I did Thanksgiving morning.

For my post-workout treat a couple hours later – not sure about anyone else, but I can’t eat right after or right before working out – I had 1/2 a cup of cheerios and a banana

And a nice cold water bottle full of lemon water.

I’m now at my mom’s house hanging out with her and the puppies, wrapping presents and watching Christmas movies with the kids.

What Christmas is all about

I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago talking about what the JcPenney snow globes mean to me.  A few days later, a woman at church who’s husband works at JcPenney gave one to my Mom and she was thrilled. I was happy my Mom got one, but was still pretty upset that my own snow globe collection would always have a missing year.

I received an email from Biz, and she asked for my mailing address, no questions asked. I forgot all about that email until I went to get the mail today and saw a shiny red/white striped package in my mail box. As I sat reading the card, tears started streaming down my face. She saw my post and then found an auction on Ebay for the snow globe and won it for me.


My collection is now complete and my heart is full of gratitude. Christmas was my Dad’s favorite time of year and it’s a very hard time of year without him. Biz, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


This, my friends, is what Christmas is all about. 

Merry Christmas!!!

Why Wait

I have a serious case of all or nothing. It is very hard for me when it comes to eating and exercise to not have an all or nothing attitude. It’s something I’m working really hard on and I think I’m overcoming – sort of.

When my two oldest were off school for Thanksgiving break, my whole routine was gone and it freaked me out. I pretty much had the mentality, of “screw it.” I’ll get back on track when they are back at school. We ate too many meals out, I drank my weight in diet coke, I stopped caring what I was eating and I was miserable. It’s also been VERY hard, pretty much impossible for me to get back to how I was before Thanksgiving. For normal people, Thanksgiving is a day to eat all you want. A day to indulge…and then the next day you go back to how things were. You eat right, exercise, etc. For me? One day can send me off on an eating bender and now here we are nearly a month later and I’m still not back to how I was the day before Thanksgiving.

This all or nothing way of thinking has been really bad this week. As of 3:35 this afternoon, my kiddies are done with school until January 3rd. I wish I could say I was kidding when I really considered doing the same thing for the next couple of weeks, but then I realized I would be even more miserable and just because things aren’t going to be our normal routine, doesn’t mean I have to give up. I just have to adjust. There will be meals out, there will be a white chocolate peppermint cheesecake, there will be cookies, there will be CHRISTMAS! But, that doesn’t mean I have to wait until January 3rd (or later…) to start taking care of me and my needs.

I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore. I feel like I completely lost myself these past 9 years. All I did was take care of my family and lost myself. I want to find myself again and get excited about things again.

Another issue with my all or nothing attitude is that I feel if I don’t workout at the same time every day, I may as well forget it and just wait until the next day, but that thinking HAS to stop. I have 3 kids, and unless I want to wake up at 4am and exercise every day, tried that, it’s not for me anymore. I need to squeeze in a workout when I can. My kids are old enough to entertain themselves for an hour (or even 1/2 an hour) while I take some time for me.

So for the next 6 weeks, I will be focusing on this


And doing a little bit of this every other day


After that, I hope to start doing some other DVD’s that are out of my league for now. I wasn’t going to start this until January, but Why Wait?

It starts today!!! There isn’t a law that says you have to start a work out plan on the first or even on a Monday – my brain has a hard time with that one sometimes…

Who’s with me? Don’t put off making yourself happy and healthy!!!

{Dreaming of a} White Christmas

In all my years of living in Michigan, this is going to be the first that there isn’t snow on the ground, or is there snow predicted for Christmas. I’m hoping for some Christmas magic!! We did get a little bit of snow (that is already melted away) so maybe by posting these pictures, a little Christmas magic will come our way!!


There is nothing like the quiet after a snow fall. Everything is so peaceful and calm.


I love how it coats the bushes and especially the bushes that have lights on them.


Even my Christmas bell had a little bit of “frosting” from the fresh snowfall.


In other news, I’m almost done Christmas shopping. The only person left on my list is the husband.

Are you done shopping or will you be out until Saturday {like I will be…} trying to finish?

By the light of the tree

I have a crap ton of pictures on my memory card that need to be blogged about, so bare with me as I get them all posted! I’ve been playing around with my camera and the settings (trying to break free from “auto” mode) and took some of the tree and other decorations.




And then thanks to Pinterest, I took this one of my kiddies last night and I really like how it turned out.


I’m going to try it again tonight with our tree and them in their Christmas pajamas.

Speaking of posting, I am going to start adding in meal and exercise posts again, just got a little bit off track…

So Delicious Christmas

I received some coupons from So Delicious to try out three different products, I knew the first two would be used on two things I have heard a lot about recently.


Mint Chocolate Coconut Milk and Nog Coconut Milk. I’m not sure what I’ll be doing with the Mint Chocolate other than drinking it straight out of the container, but the Nog will be made into yummy Nog flavored oatmeal.


I also picked up French Vanilla creamer that I have some ideas for. Trying to get creative with it since I don’t drink coffee, but I’m determined to find a way to use it!

Any ideas to use these products? If you give me an idea, I’ll name it after you and will make it! So, bring on the ideas!!!