Made Some Changes

It’s been 1 year since I took and passed my Certified Personal Trainer exam and with the pregnancy, newborn and getting used to life as a mom of 4, that I have yet to do anything with it!

As I’m getting back to my “fighting” weight, I’m excited about sharing that with everyone and working with other people trying to achieve the same goals! This blog will be closing (well, turned private) in a few days and I have my new site up and running.

Jpabstfitness – hope you’ll join me there!!

On Not Quitting

I wasn’t going to post anything today, because I really didn’t have anything to post, but then something happened.

My oldest (almost 12) is starting the 7th grade this year and has been waiting and waiting for 7th grade so he could play football. He went to camp in July for 4 days and had a lot of fun, worked hard and learned a lot. Wednesday started 3 days of conditioning and then practice starts on Monday.

My Husband has been telling him that the toughest part of the season would be conditioning, but after that, it would be fun and that it would be worth it.

As we were pulling into the parking lot today, he started crying. Said everything hurt and he just couldn’t do it anymore. After talking to him for 10 minutes, I flat out told him he wasn’t going to quit. He had worked too hard and was looking forward to this too much, he needed to see this through and couldn’t quit just because he was tired and sore today.


As he got out of the car he said “mom, i’m not quitting, but don’t get mad at me when i say this, but sometimes you don’t finish your whole workout at once because your’e tired and sore, maybe you shouldn’t quit either.”

…and that was the moment my near 12 year old put me in my place.

What I Ate Wednesday

Welcome to another edition of WIAW.

For more entries, head over to Peas and Crayons!

—-What WIAW isn’t about—-
Comparison – Judgement – Restriction – Guilt
—-What WIAW is about—-
Celebrating one of the glorious things we all have in common: We all eat!
WIAW is about food and fun! It’s about making new friends, breaking out of a food rut, noting changes in your diet/lifestyle, inspiring yourself & others, embracing fruit & vegetables, nourishing your body with the foods that work for you, finding new ways to eat your favorite foods, and so. much. more. ❤
Celebrate Food.  Celebrate blogging.  Celebrate Individuality.
[Cause over here, we like to party!]
Not a lot of rambling today, just some good old fashioned food pictures!
My new favorite sauce, I want it on everything!
Recipe coming soon for these chicken drumsticks.
Not bad for my first time making these!
…and a cute little baby 🙂

House Remodel

Lots of pictures ahead!

The day has finally arrived! The crew arrived this morning along with a giant dumpster and by Noon, they were in full rip apart the house mode.

When it’s all done, we’ll have a new master bedroom and laundry room, and most importantly; a new and improved roof!!!

We are living at my mom’s house until this is done, I’m excited to go see the progress made over the next couple of weeks.

What I {almost} Ate Wednesday

It’s been a long, long time since I’ve posted a WIAW post. I didn’t get everything documented, but managed to get some of it captured with the camera.

Breakfast: Unpictured is an egg sandwich

Lunch: Kids and I grabbed a pizza on the way home from the grocery store.


This.Killed.Me. The point was to do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. It doesn’t look like much, but seriously, I couldn’t. I managed to do 2 rounds. 2. Laugh, it’s ok. But, I did it full out both times so that has to count for something.

My daughter puts me to shame. She’s a rockstar.

Post Workout Snack:

Larabar Uber Roasted Nut Roll

I love these because for my snacks I’m only supposed to have 15-30 grams of carbs (I’m Diabetic, it’s the only reason I count carbs) and this one only has 14 grams.


I totally pulled this dinner out of thin air. We had fettuccine, alfredo sauce and this 4 cheese spaghetti sauce. I mixed the sauces, poured it over the noodles and crossed my fingers. I also added in some diced tomatoes as well. The result? Freaking deliciousness!!! Next time I’ll add in some broccoli and chicken, but this was perfect for a quick meal.

Need more meal inspiration? Head over to Peas and Crayons!

Getting Back

I want to print this and hang it in the garage (my current gym)




After my other babies, I have waited way too long to get back to normal workouts and eating. I used the ” I just had a baby and a csection” excuse for at least a year with each of them. This time, I can’t. I was diagnosed as a Diabetic back in October, so my life literally depends on me watching what I eat and working out. In October, they told me it was Type 1, but because I was pregnant, there is a small chance that test was wrong and I could be Type 2, the test has to be done again after 6 months post partum, so I will have it done again in November when I go back. While I don’t want either type of Diabetes, if it’s Type 2, at least I have a chance to make it disappear and not need any insulin or medication. That is motivation in and of itself. When I was pregnant, I had to give myself 8-10 shots a day and check my blood sugar 8-10 times a day as well, I do not ever want to go back to that.

This morning after Emma woke up, and was fed and dressed and the other 3 were occupied, I put Emma in her puppy seat and got to work.

I have been collecting a notebook full of workouts I want to do and I’m strangely excited to get to all of them! This one I did today took me about 20 minutes and while my abs hated every second, I did it. All of it. Since I’m recovering from my 4th csection 4 months ago, I only did this through once.

The other issue I need to work on is water. I know how horrible it is for me, but I looooovvvve Diet Coke…but I need the water. I only drank one of these today, but it’s more water in a day than I’ve had in probably a month.

It felt so good to sweat again, I finally feel like the old Jen is coming back!


Emma {4 Months}

Not sure how it’s possible, but my tiny little baby is 4 months old today!

We have her 4 month appointment on Monday, so not sure of her weight or height yet.

Foods: 100% formula fed. She usually drinks 3-4 oz every 2.5 hours.

Clothes: 6-9 months

Karlie made this sign and couldn’t find any “m”‘s…so she improvised. Love it.

Diapers: Cloth during the day, disposable at night

New tricks: rolling over {sometimes} and loves sitting up.

Sleeping: We moved her to the crib this week, she sleeps pretty well at night, daytime continues to be an issue, but I’ve given up on fighting her. I don’t care if she’s 4 year old and still wants to climb in the Ergo for a nap, if she naps, I don’t care!! Her getting the rest she needs is more important than where she should sleep.

I just scored one of these on Ebay for less than $10 brand new and when that arrives, she can nap in that and we’ll use the Ergo for when we are out and about.

Best part of summer

Confession: when the temps go above 80, I get grouchy. I hate walking outside and feeling like I’m going to melt. My favorite temps are 65-75, if I could live in that year round, I would move this afternoon.

This summer has been the best summer that I can remember in a long time. We have had a couple of really hot days, but for the most part, it’s been a summer in the late 60’s – 70’s and it’s perfection.

My favorite part about any summer: outdoor cooking!

Over the weekend, we grilled some steaks and chicken while the in laws were visiting and wow. SO good!!

There is just something about cooking on the grill that makes everything taste better.


Beach Day

I’m so far behind on blog posting, the week without internet access sucked!

A couple of weeks ago, our Church had a kid’s activity day and we all met at Independence Oaks for a lunch, games and beach time.

They also have some really nice trails that Emma and I will brave during the day while the older kids are at school.

After everyone was done swimming and I was trying to pack things up, the boys decided to use my camera and take some selfies.


As Emma is getting older and things aren’t as insane as they were when she was a newborn, it’s actually getting easier to get out and do things during the day.

I’m not sure if I’m brave enough to take all 4 of them alone to the beach, but it was perfect with a big group of people.

Air Time

A couple of weeks ago, we had family in town and the day before they left, we took all the cousins to Air Time trampoline park.

I had never been to one before, so I didn’t know what to expect, but once we walked in, I knew everyone would love it!

Wall to wall trampolines, basketball, dodge ball and a foam pit? What’s not to love!

We paid for 1 hour of jumping and they were all sufficiently worn out. Winning.

Emma and I walked around with her in the Ergo. Not sure how with how loud it was in there, but she managed to sneak in a nap. Babywearing for the win!

All 3 of them want to take friends and go for their next birthday!